Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prestons Report Card

I couldn't ask for better sons! Preston and I went to his 1st trimester parent teacher conference last night and we both left so happy. Last year on his CSAP test he tested excellent on 2 out of the 3 areas they tested on! He is also reading at at 6th grade 7th month reading comprehension level. He also received a national Percentile Rank of 90. This score is an above average range and means Preston scored better than 90% of students nationally in the same grade. He also loves math and his math teacher said that it comes so naturally for him (He defiantly got that from Ryan!). But the best part of the whole experience was learning his teachers thoughts about him "I count on him to be a leader, and to help those around him. When others are making poor choices he will stand up for what is right. Preston sets an example both academically and socially daily." I am so proud of you Preston! I am glad you are smart but it fills my heart with such joy to know that you stand up for what is right!

Parkes Partent Teachers are in a couple of days.