Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prestons Report Card

I couldn't ask for better sons! Preston and I went to his 1st trimester parent teacher conference last night and we both left so happy. Last year on his CSAP test he tested excellent on 2 out of the 3 areas they tested on! He is also reading at at 6th grade 7th month reading comprehension level. He also received a national Percentile Rank of 90. This score is an above average range and means Preston scored better than 90% of students nationally in the same grade. He also loves math and his math teacher said that it comes so naturally for him (He defiantly got that from Ryan!). But the best part of the whole experience was learning his teachers thoughts about him "I count on him to be a leader, and to help those around him. When others are making poor choices he will stand up for what is right. Preston sets an example both academically and socially daily." I am so proud of you Preston! I am glad you are smart but it fills my heart with such joy to know that you stand up for what is right!

Parkes Partent Teachers are in a couple of days.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Summer Recap!

I didn't do a very good job this summer of updating what we did so here it goes.

Right after school got out we left to go on a little trip to Utah to attend my sister Amanda and her Husband Anthony's sealing. We stayed at my sister Stacy's house and had a lot of fun with everyone. We went to a copper mine, we visited This is the place monument, we toured the conference center, we went to Temple square, and had a lot of fun and the many picnics with the family. We even enjoyed our ride to and from Utah playing fun game and trying to find all 50 stated license plates...we came close but missed a few.

A few days after we got home Preston had cub scout day camp and since I am the leader Ryan and I got to go with him. Parker had a great time spending the night with Aunt Shauna and Uncle Chauncy and their girls. Preston got to do a lot of fun thing at camp. He made ice cream, played with sling shots and paint balls, played with a cool water rocket (so cool we came home and made one), shot arrows, carved soap, made a picture frame, painted his face like an Indian, and much more! It was a fun time!

On the 13, 14, and 15th of June Preston and Parker spent some special time with Grandma and Grandad. They took them camping up to Red Feather Lakes. They had so much fun and just love to be with Grandma and Grandad!

The very next weekend we went camping up at Turkey Track for Fathers Day with my sister Missy and her family and my parents. It was a good time but a bit rainy, we always love camping!

We also spent A LOT of time at Parker's baseball games and the batting cages. Parker was a Hurricane this year and did very well His team sticks together and they have an amazing group of coaches. Preston is Parker's biggest fan and cheers him on the whole game! He is going to try to play next year. Who knew that Ryan would have boys that like baseball!

For the Fourth of July we went camping again with my family. There were 53 of us up there and that was not even half of everybody! We went to the Fire works at a lake in a small town near by and had so much fun! We rode 4 wheelers, took, walks and went on some bike rides. Always fun!

We got passes for Elitch Gardens a local amusement park in Denver (like a six flags) the boys and I made it a mission to go every week so we would get our money worth and we did! Parker went on a big coaster for the first time and Preston went on one with a loop (He said he would never do it again!) We had so mu fun playing in the water and riding rides!

Our Wednesday morning were usually spent at the Summer movies for a dollar! We always found fun friend to hang out with there!

We got to have a cousin come and stay with us for a week and they had soooooooo much fun!

The week before school started we had family from Texas come visit! We got to see Emily and her kids and Angela and her family stayed with us for a few days. We had so much fun. We went to Emilys hotel and went swimming and had lunch with them. And when Angela and her family came up we went up the Pouder canyon and played in the river for a while then went up to Red Feather lakes to go fishing and cook out. The fishing turned into catchin crawdads! Everyone had so much fun. The next day we spent enjoying the beauty of Rocky National Mountain Park. And we even had time for some girl shopping! It was so much fun to have visitors.

After they left the school rush was on! And here we are back in School! My camera is being crazy so I will post pics later!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School

Back to School! Preston is a big bad 4th grader this year and Perker is an awesome 2nd grader! What great kids I have! Good Luck Boys!

My boys are off to school. I have been dreading this day for a while. We have had so much fun together this summer and I will miss having my boys and their sweet little hugs and fun games we played during the day.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Bear

I keep telling my self that I will get on and update on all the many things we have been up to and I will but not this time. I want to make sure I blog about our last camping trip so I don't forget. For Fathers Day weekend we went up to Turkey Track to spend some time having fun in the mountains with family. While eating lunch one day I looked up and realized a bear was close to the barn...the problem Parker had just gone outside! As soon as I screamed bear Parker heard and also saw the bear he quickly ran in and the bear didn't notice him to much. We went out to scare the bear but it was not to scared of the screaming so we had to get out the old trusty .45 and shoot 3 times before it was scared away. We even wrote a cute song about the experience!

Friday, May 8, 2009

April Recap

WOW! April was busy! We started off celebrating Preston's 9th birthday and Ryan's 31st. Preston was thrilled to get a .22 for his birthday! He was also excited about bringing in his April fools/birthday treat to school. We made fake sushi out of yummy treats. He had a lot of fun tricking his class. Preston had a science birthday and we made him a cake that looked like a beaker. Parker wanted the same cake because he loved it so much!

Easter was a great time! I really love Easter and its reason. The boys had fun coloring Easter eggs, they didn't even spill the dye this year, Ryan on the other hand did! They both got very creative dying eggs. On Easter we all went to sacrament meeting and came home to have Easter Dinner. We had a FULL house. My Parents came and my sisters Shauna and Missy and their family's came and Missy's Brother in law and family came. It was cold but the kids still all had fun with an Easter egg hunt!

We gave my Dad his birthday gift on Easter as well. Ryan made a frame for the picture we got him. The painting is from an artist that lived in the Rye area for a while and painted an awesome picture of my grandma "Mom"s house called "Warm Welcome".

Next came Parker's Birthday. His party was a few days before his real birthday and since it was cold outside we had to move the party indoors! It was insane! Parker loved his science cake! Gabriela was with us that weekend and did all of the decorating! She is such a sweet kid!

Parker with his new birthday bike!

We took milk and donuts to Parker's class for his treat! He would have been happy if we would have just brought the milk!



We had so much fun with the Pine Wood Derby this year! Preston won 1st place in the scout category and Parker won 1st in the open class category! They were so excited since last year their cars barely made it down the track!

Mom's Car

Parker's Car

Preston's Car

Ryan's Car

I was able to go on two field trips with the boys in April! I forgot my camera for Preston's sorry!

I went to the Denver Zoo with Parker's class, it was a great day.

Last weekend we had Gabriela up for a visit and we took Preston to shoot his .22 for the first time. We all had a ton of fun!

While Gabriela was here she bought the boys each a fish. Parker's died yesterday and he was so sad! He made a little head stone that says The fish Koy and buried his fish and put a flower on the grave. Poor kid!

Sad Boy!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Parker!

Happy 7th Birthday Parker! We love you so much and you have brought so much joy into our lives with your bright smile and your funny wiggly ways! You are a blessing to have in this family. I remember the day you were born, for some reason your heart rate kept dropping and Mommy and Daddy were very scared, Mommy kept asking Heavenly Father to please bring you into this world safely and her prayers were answered. You were such a skinny little chicken when your were born but you loved to eat! You are always been a bright little star and are always kind and loving to the people around you. It has been such a joy watching you grow and change and now you are 7! This is a very important year for you, this year you will prepare for your baptism when you turn 8. We love you so much and you are our "Son Shine"

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Birthday Boys!


Well he finally caught up to me for now! I love him so much! He is my strength. I can not imagine life without him. He is a wonderful loving and caring husband and father, and would do almost anything for us! I feel so lucky to have such a dedicated husband. We have been through so many ups and downs together and grow stronger together as we face our trials. Ryan goes along with all the things I make him do (because if you really know Ryan he is a hermit at heart!). How did I get so lucky? He makes me laugh, and is really patient will all the teasing I do. What a great friend! He doesn't mind sharing his birthday with his Sister and Son. I love you Ryan! Happy Birthday!


I am so happy to have you for a son! You have brought so much joy into our lives. I can't believe that you are 9 today! I remember when you were born and how blessed I felt to be given you and still I feel that way today. You were born at 10:07 am April 1st , 2000 and today around that time I found my self in tears remembering the joy and happiness I felt when you were born. I know that you were meant to be in our family! You are such a sweet boy who goes out of his way to bring joy into others lives. I know that you have struggled and I am so proud of you for trying your hardest to overcome your fear and anxiety. I am so proud that you go to church with me and are a good example to your brother and your friends. You are my "Son" Shine! I love you!

Love, Mom

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break and Snow Day!

Enjoying the Parade

Watching the Nuggets.

On the court!
Ryan was the excited kid at this event!

Stretching for the game!

Waiting to be put in!

Pre game stretching!

Ryan being crazy and Preston is trying hard to ignor him!

In the tunnell after the game!

Whew we pulled out a win!

Sleeping at the Pepsi Center

Early morning!



sideways! yay!

Neice Chloe being suprised by the bear!

Ye Haw!

riding bikes!

Are we there! Yep!

Look at all thoes belt loops!
Great job Preston!

Proud boy at the blue and gold dinner!

getting awards! who knew I would ever be a cub scout leader!

The Blizzard!
We had school by the way!

The day after! Snow Day!
I love Colorado!

We got 12" of snow

Snow Angles

Our dog is burried in the snow

Ryans truck after traveling for 3 hours in a blizzard!

This seems to be the busiest time of year for our family for some reason! Maybe its because everyones birthdays fall with in 40 days! Whew not to count Easter and extended family birthdays. So we have been busy! I'll start with Spring Break. Our spring break was last week and it was busy! We started off by going to a Laser Tag birthday party on Friday, the boys had a great time! The nest day we went to Ft. Collins and met my sister Shauna and her family for some fun at the St. Patrick's day parade. We had a great spot near the beginning of the parade and all the kids got tons of stuff. We all had fun screaming for beads! After the parade the boys and I went looking at bike shops for fun. (Ryan was sick that morning) we found one that was having a special customer appreciation picnic and enjoyed smoked brisket sandwiches and chips for lunch. We got home and began to pack for our Overnight at the Pepsi Center after a Denver Nuggets game. This was a program though Cub Scouts. For $17 each we got to go to a game, got free hot dog and soda, then we got to go shoot hoops with the same balls the nuggets warm up with on the court, they gave everyone a head band. Then we went up to the club level and laid our stuff out for the sleep over. I was lucky enough to get a couch to sleep on. They fed us a snack and then turned on Horton Hears a Who on the jumbo tron. We ate snack and had a great time. I think the boys enjoyed going around the whole stadium and trying every seat! We tried to sleep but the lights never go off so it was bright and the cleaning crew in the stadium was loud. In the morning we got up and passed on the juice and bagels and went to Gunther Tuttys for breakfast. We will defiantly be doing that again!
The next couple of days we spent at home playing and having fun. Then on Wednesday we went down to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (It was a free day!) We meet my sister Shauna and her family down there and explored the whole thing from top to bottom. It was a great time. We left there and spent the night at my sister Missy's house and made pizza. In the morning we left to go see Grandma and Grandad. We meet my Mom in Pueblo after I tended to some vending machines. We went glow miniature golfing and then met my Dad and went to see a movie. After the movie we got pizza and ate it at Gammys and hung out for a while. On Sat. we went to Boyd lake in Loveland. We rode our bikes and fished for a while but the most fun was geocaching. We all had a great time finding the prizes. We were all worn out by the end of the day!
Now to the blizzard. Yesterday it snowed 12". And I couldn't be more happy! Today is a snow Day!
Enjoy the pics!
Keep going down to view some videos! Who knows why they are so far down!