Helping shuck corn at a picnic for Chauncy, Emily and Chloes birthday.

Parker helped me watch a friends little boy for a few hours. He did such a good job! They were two peas in a pod!

Parker's first baseball game. They tied 3 to 3!

How many kids can fit into one toy house? We went and has a bbq and helped Shauna and Chauncy with their yard work. My dad was there helping with his wood chipper so we went to go see him too!

Preston loves to help Grandad! Grandad gives good prizes!
Parker and his cousin Chloe both lost the same tooth. Chloe is 2 years younger! I love their matching teeth and freckles!
Parker's PLP about George Washington. I wish I had a better picture of him dressed up! He did such a great job!
The boys got out of school on May 25 at 11:00, by about 3:00 they were board! This might be a long summer! The both did a great job this school year and are moving up in grade. I can't believe I have a 5th grader and a 3rd grader! I can remember being in those grades. It really makes me wish I could keep them little for a while longer, time seems to be going so fast. In just a few short years I will be watching them graduate and leave on missions!
We have had some summer fun. Parker got to go on a trip to Idaho Springs for a couple of nights with a friend and had a ton of fun. While he was gone I took Preston to Elitches for some fun. We were a little disappointed because some of the smaller rides he wanted to go on were not running. You gotta work your way up to the big ones! So we only rode a few rides and watched a show. Oh well, we have a season pass we got for Christmas so we will be back!